Friday, March 18, 2005

Don't panic, don't panic!

I've started to notice that panic, the actual physical feeling of panic, the near choking/explosion feeling that it generates, isn't something which stays put in fairly equal measure, but its something that has this strange habit of coming and going, so that one minute you're fine, and the next you're almost vomiting. Funny thing.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

My bum has got too big...

What makes me say that? This morning I sat on a biro for half an hour and I didn't notice! Like the princess and the pea. Except I couldn't feel...oh, ok, you get the idea. My bum's too big. Though I must say, I do rather like my tree-trunk thighs right now. Really, I always wanted big thighs. So I suppose I should be grateful of a growing bum because otherwise I'd look silly with thick thighs and a tiny toush. And it does come in handy for the odd bit of South African dancing! So maybe my bum isn't too big, its just big. I may not be a lady, but....

Sorry, what was that? 'Haven't I got a dissertation to finish and two essays to write in the next week?'. Oh bugger, yes, so I have...

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Me want!

I want this house. That's all I have to say. Its stunning.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Disco, anybody?

lady in red Posted by Hello

Jive Soweto – Sipho Mabuse

This is my offering for Troubled Diva’s somewhat fabulous blogger’s disco idea. Admitedly, most people won’t have heard of this song, but, you know, what with me endlessly championing the cause of South African music and everything… And besides, Red Nose Day is all about Africa, right? Well, ok, yes, and the UK. But still, if we’re going to be thinking about Africa, then maybe we should be grooving with Africa too! So that’s my contribution, Jive Soweto, a good old tune from the Beloved Country, which won’t fail to get the feet a'tappin' ;-)

Good luck Mike.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Harsh Divide...

I cannot recommend highly enough this set of four films by Gideon Mendel. They're set in Cape Town, about people living with HIV, they're marvelous. You'll need Realplayer, and you'll need to use these links to the films because the Channel 4 ones are broken:

Go watch them, they're sad, so sad, and brilliantly made.