Monday, September 26, 2005

Still a bit quiet...

Sorry about that. Again. Its just that its all simultaneously dull and hectic. So really all I'm up to is taking some nice photos . But generally I'm tired. Promise more at some point. I do realise I've been here two months!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

something new....

There's a new photo on in search of perfect turquoise. There were meant to be several, but my little computer just isn't coping. Promise I'll be connected at home soon.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Knackered, that's all...

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Hey. So, I guess I should apologise that I've not been blogging. I am very sorry. Its just that I don't really have much to say! Everything is going on, everything, all the time, stuff stuff stuff. In the space of three weeks I started a new job, starting dealing with Bianca's behaviour issues, got a really nasty stomach bug, then moved into the new house which needs new paint and new carpets and feels lonely etc etc etc

So I promise that soon my life will calm down, and I'll have enough space in my brain to be able to write something a little more verbose. Promise.