Sunday, November 13, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
On how sad my life is...
This morning I got realy excited. You know why? L's teacher had sent back my plastic spoon. I'd got so infuriated by her teacher's/teaching assistant's habit of keeping my bloody plastic spoons that I actually wrote in permanent pen, on the spoon, 'PLEASE RETURN'! And she did. She finally got the hint. For heaven's sakes.
In case you're wondering why some random child gets sent to school with a spoon by me every morning, I make her lunch. L is B's best friend, and when I said I'd make B's packed lunch for her every day, she insisted that I couldn't leave out her best friend. So I wake at 6.30am every morning, make 2 cheese and tomato sandwiches, one bottle of energy drink, one bottle of apple juice, 2 yoghurts and 2 bananas. Except on Friday when they get chips and chocolate pudding as a treat. This is what my life has become. Getting pissed off with teachers who keep my spoons.
What's that you say? I'm 23, should be out partying every night? Bollocks to that, there's sandwiches to be made!